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WebCopy / Help copying a responsive Page
Last post by dantzu - November 02, 2023, 10:26:51 AM
I'm trying to copy a bunch of pages created with adobe express. I'm having trouble getting the full image resolution in the local copies. I only get images with max 1024px. Even though upon inspecting the page, I can see that images are served or at least are available in 2560px

(see screenshot here: ).

Adding the custom attribute "//img/@data-original" to the WebCopy projekt didn't solve it.

How can I get the max resolution on the page? Any help would be much appreciated. Here's an example URL:

Gif Animator / Re: Gif Animator foe WinXP
Last post by sanu66a - September 14, 2023, 03:49:17 PM
Version and below should work on XP as they are compiled against the now discontinued .NET 3.5. Version onward (the "nightly" builds) are compiled using .NET 4.6 and will not work on XP.
WebCopy / Iamges on idex.html not showin...
Last post by gholland - August 30, 2023, 05:55:03 PM
Trying to copy\index.html but the images are not being copied.
For example if I inspect the image labeled Brass Urns I see this and the image is not copied but the Brass_Urn_10x10.jpg did copy and it's so small when I enlarge it its blurry:

<img id="944914694237" class="thumb-image blur-up lazyautosizes lazyloaded" alt="Brass Urns" src="//" data-widths="[180, 360, 540, 720, 900, 1080, 1296, 1512, 1728, 2048]" data-aspectratio="1.0" data-sizes="auto" data-image="" data-srcset="// 180w, // 360w, // 540w, // 720w, // 900w, // 1080w, // 1296w, // 1512w, // 1728w, // 2048w" sizes="144px" srcset="// 180w, // 360w, // 540w, // 720w, // 900w, // 1080w, // 1296w, // 1512w, // 1728w, // 2048w">
WebCopy / Re: Using query strings to con...
Last post by crocket - August 24, 2023, 01:38:53 PM
I was able to get WebCopy to save the files using the query string parameters. I created a new project and used the default items checked on the Local File property screen, along with enabling the "Use query string in local file names" option.

In the past, I tried numerous combinations of options on the Local File property section but nothing seemed to work. I'm not sure if I missed a specific combination of options or if the creation of a new project fixed the issue.

Anyway, attached is a screen of the Local Files property screen that worked for me if anyone else has problems with the query string naming option.

WebCopy / Re: Using query strings to con...
Last post by crocket - August 23, 2023, 04:17:17 PM
That is what I am thinking as well.  Attached is a screenshot for the Local File properties for my project.
WebCopy / Re: Using query strings to con...
Last post by Manuela - August 23, 2023, 05:07:57 AM
Use query string in local filenames should exactly do want you want, you said you have checked this out and it did not? I guess then this is a bug
WebCopy / Re: Using query strings to con...
Last post by crocket - August 21, 2023, 03:48:26 PM
I am already providing WebCopy with a complete list of files to download, so I don't think I need a rule to download specific files. On my test site, I am able to get WebCopy to download these files from the list I provide to WebCopy. The problem is that the image files that are downloaded are name get_photo-1, get_photo-2, get_photo-3, and so on.

I am trying to figure out how to get WebCopy to give these images a specific name based on the images URL. I specifically need WebCopy to name the file using the image name and the app_id value that is in the URL.

I am not very picky on the exact format of the file name, but I do need the file to have key pieces of information in the name.
In the URL example above, I need at least this info contained somewhere in the file name
  • photo_12345678-1234-5678-9876-abdefghijklm.jpg
  • app_id=98765
WebCopy / Trying to dowload all images f...
Last post by Manuela - August 20, 2023, 11:15:58 AM
I am trying to download all images from a wiki, including thumbs.

First thing I tried was
rule1 \.(png|jpg|svg|pdf|odt|ods) download
rule2 .* exclude, crawl


download stops almost immediately, did not download a single file

next try

same rules, URL:

This time, images are found, but not downloaded (above the root)

I added additional URLs

with no effect at all.

What am I doing wrong? Any advice?

Thank you

WebCopy / Re: Using query strings to con...
Last post by Manuela - August 20, 2023, 10:17:58 AM
Do I understand correctly that you want to download files with a specific URL? Why not use a rule?
regex is your friend

^https://test\.site\.com/api/v1/get_photo\?filename= as expression, compare = entire URL
Color Palette Editor / HEX colours not being kept in ...
Last post by desbest - August 20, 2023, 10:16:35 AM
HEX colours not being kept in my .aco palette, either before or after saving

Steps to Reproduce

  • Open a .aco palette
  • Have 2 colours (or swatches) saved in your palette
  • Make one colour #F70C64
  • Change the 7 to an 8 to make it #F80C64
  • Switch to another swatch in your palette by selecting it
  • Switch back to the swatch that you was previously on

You'll notice that the colour hex code you initially chose, isn't respected, the "F8" switches to "F7" without your consent.

I'm using version on Windows 10 22H2