Removing the checker box background

Started by ruland, September 24, 2017, 09:07:28 AM

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Thank you!

While you are at it, could you give us the option to choose the viewport's background color (instead of that chequerboard pattern):

Richard Moss

I'm going to split this into a separate topic as I generally think one thread should cover one thing, but I don't know if people get notified of this, so I'll reply first then split.

If you set the GridDisplayMode to None, that will turn off the pattern and will then use the existing BackColor for the whole client area. Or, if you want the image region to be a different color to the non-image region, you can set the GridScale to None (setting the GridColor and GridColorAlternate properties to the same value has the same effect, but the latter is easier).

Hope that helps.

Richard Moss
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